The smart features in the upcoming lollipop iphones

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Apple and Google are locked in an endless game of catch up. Each time a new version of iOS or Android was announced, there are only so many features borrowed as new as each high school and steal the ideas of others to find ways to improve your own experience. Android L's Material design is very similar to the language of flattened design iOS 7 and opening new iOS 8 certainly has a debt with the predecessors of Lollipop.

But neither recalcitrant iOS or Android fans should complain. The fact is that there are more green grassy places on both sides of the fence. Now that we've had some time to play with Lollipop, I've found some features of Apple would be smart to incorporate into iOS in September.

smart notifications:

Lollipop took a series of signals from Apple for its renewed method of delivery notifications, but Google still added his own touch. My favorite feature is the new heads-up banners for the phone application, which allows you to ignore incoming calls without interrupting a game of Replay. I also like the way it handles the lock screen: incoming notifications are ordered by importance, so an email from someone in your contacts will naturally be higher since a life full alert Candy Crush.

Priority mode:
On the surface, the priority mode Lollipop looks an awful lot like iOS Do Not Disturb feature, but I really am a little envious of the implementation of Google. While iOS is kind of a case of all or nothing, Android gives you more control over what and when not to bother.

Instead of just calling, Google Allow events and reminders to happen, but what I really like is the timer setting: If you just take a nap or get some work, can quickly become priority mode for a short time without addressing mathematical programming.

Best battery:

While Apple keeps making their devices as thin as the laws of physics and engineering that allow, battery life will always be beautiful. Like iOS 8 Lollipop lets you see which applications are using the most juice, but Google also built in battery saving mode that kills unnecessary processes, throttles the CPU, and the limits of background tasks when the battery reaches the red. And when you finally connect the device, you can also say how long it will take to load, something I would love to see in my iPhone.

Guest mode:
Apple fans have practically abandoned the prospect of multiple user accounts iOS, but the fact of the matter is that there are times when we need to share our phones. And Google has developed an ingenious method to do: Change a guest on a smartphone or tablet with Lollipop, not just your own personal information stay private, but also everything that your guest will not be deleted once it leaves the session. It's like private browsing for all the phone, and we need to iOS in September.

iOS and Android both have a very similar method of multitasking with swipeable card system that allows you to quickly switch between applications. But Lollipop makes it a little better.
When you walk in general, you will get more of a menu of recently used applications. All Tasks tab is running are displayed, so if you are working on a draft email message, for example, may choose to jump back to the compositing window or your inbox . And on your phone, you will see all open tabs, too.

Print Preview:
iOS screen printing has never been much to write home about, offering only the most rudimentary of options. In comparison, Lollipop makes it look like you're sitting in front of a PC, with a preview screen desktop gauge lets you see exactly how an image or document to be printed.

And if there is a wireless printer is available, Lollipop users even get an option to save-as-PDF, something I've been pining for since the days of iOS 4.

Touch the screen to wake:
By clicking on the start button is not exactly a difficult way to arouse iPhones, but Lollipop brings a new way for Android phones with support for Awakening: Just tap the screen twice. That certainly would save me some hesitation when I check my email on the iPhone 6 Plus before my first cup of coffee.

Search settings:

With each revision iOS, we expect Apple to finally add a way to search within settings, but it has not happened. Now Google has beaten Apple to the punch, the addition of a magnifying glass enormously helpful to the upper right corner. IOS hope fans do not have to wait much longer, because I'm tired of remembering where to go when I want to change my keyboard.

Ambient screen:
I know what you're thinking: iOS has had a mode environment for years. It is true that the new Android ability to wake the screen each time a notification that is old hat for users of iPhone and iPad appears.
But Lollipop is an option, and frankly, I'd love to be able to temporarily disable all notifications Lock screen with a single lever.

smart Unlock:

Touch ID has made it easier than ever to unlock an iPhone or iPad, but there are still times I kind of wish we did not have to use it. Google has found a compromise between comfort and assurance that I would love to see Apple approves. When you get a new Bluetooth or NFC device, Lollipop paired phones and tablets will be unlocked automatically every time they come within the scope thereof. And I can think of something coming out early next year that would work well with such a feature .

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Actualice software iOS on your iPhone, iPad & iPod touch

Friday, 27 February 2015
Learn how to update your iOS device wirelessly or through iTunes.

iOS software updates introduce new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad or iPod. Be sure to keep her updated to not miss out on the latest features devices.

Before progress:

Backing up your device to iCloud or iTunes.
If you use your Personal Hotspot device to connect to the Internet from your computer, update your device wirelessly or connect your computer to another network.

Update your device wi-fi:

The easiest way to update your device wirelessly, also called Behold how "through the air."
1.Connect the device to a power source.
2.Tap Settings> General> Software Update.

3.Download and install Touch. Updates can be downloaded automatically when the device is connected to Wi-Fi and a power supply.
4.Touch Install or touch later to install the update later. If you use a password, you will have to enter it before installing the update.

If you have some free space, but not enough to update wirelessly, you can update through iTunes or manually delete content from the device. Whether you use iTunes or updates over the air, you will have the same amount of free space after updating device.
Some iOS software updates are not available as over-the-air updates. Connections VPN or proxy can prevent the device from coming into contact with iOS update servers.

Update device with iTunes:

If you can not update wirelessly, or if you want to update with iTunes, follow these steps:
1.Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer.
2.Connect the device to your computer.
3.In iTunes, select your device.
4.In the Summary pane, click Check for updates.

5.Click Download and Update.

If you do not have enough space for the upgrade through iTunes, you must manually delete the content from the device.
Find out what to do if you receive an error message when updating your device.
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Home on the iPhone. Finish your Mac or iPad

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

iPhone, iPad and Mac. Connected as never before

Apple products have always been designed to work together very well. But now they can really surprise you. With iOS 8 and Yosemite OS X, you can do the most amazing things ever.

Handoff lets you pick up right where you left or off

Now you can start writing an email on the iPhone and continue where you left off when you sit on your Mac. Or surf the web on your Mac and resume at the same link on your iPad. Everything happens automatically when devices meeting the same iCloud account. Use Handoff with favorite applications like Mail, Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Maps, Messages, Reminders, Calendar and Contacts. And developers can build their applications Transfer now, too.

iPad and Mac, now answer the call

Sometimes when iPhone rings, not where you are. Perhaps it is charging in another room. Or is buried in his backpack. But your Mac or iPad is sitting there. Now you can make and receive phone calls on those devices while your iPhone with iOS 8 is on the same Wi-Fi network. Incoming calls display the name, number and profile photo caller. Just click or swipe the notification to answer, ignore, or respond with a quick message. And making a phone call from your iPad or Mac is so easy. Simply touch or click a phone number in Contacts, Calendar, or Safari. Everything works with your existing iPhone number, so there is nothing to configure.

Send any text message from any of your devices

Have a conversation with family and friends who do not use an iPhone just got a lot easier. That's because you can now send and receive SMS and MMS messages from your iPad or Mac. So when a friend texts from any type of phone, you can answer using whatever device is most convenient. You can also start a conversation from your iPad or Mac by clicking on a phone number in applications like Safari, Contacts or Calendar.

No Wi-Fi? No problem

If you are out of range Wi-Fi, your iPad or Mac can connect to personal hotspot on your phone when the iPhone is near. * With the new Instant Hotspot, you will see the name of your iPhone from the list of existing Wi-Fi Settings on the iPad and the Wi-Fi menu on your Mac. Just select and you're connected. And when you are not using the network of your phone, its devices disconnected intelligently to save battery life.
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Latest adds of ios 8

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

The biggest ios release ever

Not only iPhone 6 is larger. Most advanced mobile operating system in the world has taken a big leap, too. iOS 8 features new capabilities and functions that let you do things you could only imagine before, as the use of Siri to control home devices or applications using health and fitness to communicate with your doctor. Developers now have a deeper access and more tools to bring some of the amazing new features of iOS 8 applications. And everything looks great on the large Retina HD display.

What's new in iOS 8

iOS 8 is packed with features that make it better every experience. More fun, useful and surprising ways to send messages. A better picture of your health and fitness information. A new way to bring harmony to the digital life of his family. And much more.

iPhone comes with an impressive collection of applications

iPhone 6 is ready to do great things, and things of every day, right out of the box. Edit photos on the fly. Create the perfect playlist. Ask Siri you book a reservation for dinner. iPhone is full of large integrated applications that are optimized to take advantage of 64-bit architecture class desktop A8 chip.
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Apple rejecting games screenshots depicting weapons or violence

Friday, 13 February 2015
Pocket Gamer reports that according to several computer developers to review the implementation of Apple has been rejecting games and updates, including screenshots that show violence as people holding guns, being maimed or killed.

This is forcing developers to either eliminate such screenshots or even delete the image to hide weapons or things that could represent violence. As Pocket Gamer notes, Splash Damage, developers Tempo, which was chosen as Editor's Choice by Apple, had to clear up arms to hide the screen.

Similarly, Team Choas, developer vs. Rooster Teeth Zombiens had to change its icon, because in the original icon of the hero held a pistol NES Zapper.

Marco Arment, developer of Instapaper and Claro, says that this is not a new rule. According to App Store guidelines all application metadata such as title, description, icon and screenshots have to adhere to 4+ age rating.

The App Store has parental controls and requires that all applications that support content classifications appropriate to their age. While violence, etc. always been allowed in applications, Apple has always required that all application metadata - title, description, icon, screen capture - are childproof with the lowest rating.

Here is the clause 3.6 of the guidelines application in the Apple store:

Applications with application icons, images and previews that do not adhere to the classification of 4+ will be rejected

So it seems that Apple has begun implementing the much stricter guideline. But Jim Dalrymple of The Loop, Apple reports that spoke about this today, and was told that "the company is being more liberal lately with what is allowed in the App Store for images and screenshots."

Seems like a reasonable requirement that the App Store is accessible by people of all ages, but the problem seems to be inconsistency in the application.
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Get an iPhone, iPad and both Sprint service starting at only $ 100 per month

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Sprint launches new promotional package that will allow buyers to get both an iPhone and iPad at a price of monthly contract. The starting price of the limited time offer is $ 100 per month for the 16GB iPhone 6 and 16 GB Mini iPad 3.

CNET reports the details of this new promotional offer, which ends on April 9:

Breaking down the monthly cost of the package promotion, customers will pay $ 20 for the iPhone for Life and $ 50 for a simple unlimited talk, text and data plan for your phone. A data plan will need 2 gigabytes separately for $ 30 for the tablet, but the monthly fee of $ 17 for the iPad Mini 3 is cut out as part of the promotion.

Wireless Week adds that Sprint customers can also combine the iPhone 6 Plus with the iPad Air 2 with a similar promotional offer, but the monthly fee will be higher. By the time the agreement is not being alive, but we will update this post when available.

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Grim Fandango is back after 17 years and better than ever

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Manny Calavera is a travel agent ... of all kinds. He works for the Department of Death, selling packages souls recently departed from the city of El Marrow, the Land of the Dead. This is the scene of one of the most original adventure games that have been created, a title originally developed for Windows and published by LucasArts back in 1998. Now has returned to the Mac, PC and Linux (with iOS still in the works), and it's all so strange and wonderful as it was 17 years ago - only better.

Grim Fandango is undoubtedly the pinnacle of point and click adventure game from LucasArts that was once renowned for. The game did not particularly well when it was first released, but over time has grown to almost legendary status, is often placed at the top games of its era critics lists.

Most of us thought we'd seen the last of Grim Fandango years ago, and when Disney bought LucasArts and made clear that there were no plans to resurrect the company's classic point and click adventure games, their fate seemed bleak. But that's where new game developer, Double Fine Productions, comes into play: the pedigree of Double Fine descends directly from LucasArts. The company is managed by Tim Schaefer, who worked as a designer in Grim Fandango Original, along with Full Throttle and The Secret of Monkey Island. Double Fine has produced a number of excellent original titles in his tenure as a study of games, like last year Broken Age (which iMore recognized as Mac puzzle game of the year).

The story

Grim Fandango is a strange mixture of Aztec folklore and black film, which owes much to classic films of Humphrey Bogart as The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca. The story takes a folded capers nourish, with Manny as the anti-hero Adorable - A looser travel agent trying to work a debt to go to the Ninth Underworld, fate of the soul after it leaves the ground living. He tried, however, Manny can never get ahead.

Finally, thinks he has found his big break when you finagles a dream client - only to have it snatched away. Manny discovers that something strange is going on, and he's drawn into a plot involves a revolutionary group seeking to overturn a conspiracy within the Department of Death. This is where the game gets really interesting.

Grim Fandango is divided into four distinct acts, each taking place on November 2 for several consecutive years. November 2, for those who do not know, is the Day of the Dead - a holiday marketplace focused in memory of friends and relatives who have died - and as such, it is not surprising that the game is rich with cultural artifacts of this holiday. Manny and his fellow characters are based on figures Calaca of Day of the Dead artwork and crafts; setting also owes much to the black film of 1930 the era of Art Deco architecture and design.

I will not spoil much, as I do not want to take much of the joy of Grim Fandango: discover how the story unfolds. It's just a fairy tale; it takes several hours to play through and a lot of fun.


In Grim Fandango Remastered Double Fine, you control Manny and interact with their environment by pointing and clicking; seeing how their tracks head will give an idea of the specific hot spots that you must click or characters that you should interact. An emerging interface allows you to either manipulate an object, pick it up and add it to your inventory (Manny suit pocket can contain an infinite number of elements), or - in the case of other characters - talk to them. The dialogue between characters involves branching options.

Grim Fandango Remastered is an old game, yes, but not easy. In fact, it is much more difficult than many recent adventure games I've played. But that does not mean it is impossible, or that it is too frustrating, either. There is no way to "die" in this game, so no tearing his fists on the table in some effort endlessly contraction, either. The only time the game starts to fray is during the cut scenes that look very grainy and dated compared to what we've come to expect from games today.

The remastering process

The game has not been redesigned from scratch: It's still instantly recognizable as Grim Fandango, with the same story, the same puzzles and same jokes that made the game so eminently playable again in the late 1990s has just been updated and adjusted to take modern processing capabilities, repainted textures with higher resolution characters, new dynamic lighting effects, re-recorded score for a live orchestra, and some worthy of a Blu-ray disc or DVD release special extras.

Additional content of Grim Fandango Remastered includes more than two hours of directors and conceptual art speech browser; is a fun addition that offers greater game fans get even more experience.

end result

The lack of handholding can frustrate new players in the genre of adventure, but the good news is that, like a game of 17, there are plenty of tutorials and guides suggestion can be found with a quick search on Google . But honestly, solve puzzles himself is much more fun because it forces you to pay special attention to the history and the environment. And Grim Fandango is worth your attention.

Grim Fandango Remastered is available for download via Steam.

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How to use Google Hangouts with the messages application on your Mac

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The messaging application for Mac lets you easily send iMessage and even regular text messages without having to pick up your iPhone. Apart from cellular messages, the messages application can also be integrated into other messaging services, including Google Hangouts. Once connected, you can easily send and receive messages directly to your Mac Hangouts, no annoying browser plugins required!

How Google Hangouts receive messages with the Messages app to Mac

Note: If you have enabled two-step verification for your Google account, please note that you need to generate a password specifically for your Mac if you have not already. Otherwise, you receive errors that logon information is incorrect.
Click the  menu in the upper left corner of your Mac.
Select System Preferences.
Once in System Preferences, click Accounts Internet.

Add your Google account if you have not been added.
Once added, activate the messages.

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iOS ticks adoption rate of 8 to 72%

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Apple's latest App Store distribution numbers show that iOS 8 has now been installed on 72% of all compatible devices as of Feb. 2, 2015. iOS 7 now stands at 25%, with all the older versions claiming a total of 3% of installs.

While the new stats represent a 4% gain compared to the iOS 8 adoption numbers from January 7, 2015, they are still behind the installs of iOS 7 at this same time a year ago, when it claimed 85% of all compatible devices. Clearly some iPhone and iPad owners have yet to make the change to iOS 8, although there could be several reasons for that decision.
iOS 8 launched in September 2014, so getting a 72% adoption rate in about five months is still pretty solid. By contrast, Android 5.0 Lollipop has only been installed in 1.6% of all Android devices since it launched in November 2014.

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