Actualice software iOS on your iPhone, iPad & iPod touch

Friday, 27 February 2015
Learn how to update your iOS device wirelessly or through iTunes.

iOS software updates introduce new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad or iPod. Be sure to keep her updated to not miss out on the latest features devices.

Before progress:

Backing up your device to iCloud or iTunes.
If you use your Personal Hotspot device to connect to the Internet from your computer, update your device wirelessly or connect your computer to another network.

Update your device wi-fi:

The easiest way to update your device wirelessly, also called Behold how "through the air."
1.Connect the device to a power source.
2.Tap Settings> General> Software Update.

3.Download and install Touch. Updates can be downloaded automatically when the device is connected to Wi-Fi and a power supply.
4.Touch Install or touch later to install the update later. If you use a password, you will have to enter it before installing the update.

If you have some free space, but not enough to update wirelessly, you can update through iTunes or manually delete content from the device. Whether you use iTunes or updates over the air, you will have the same amount of free space after updating device.
Some iOS software updates are not available as over-the-air updates. Connections VPN or proxy can prevent the device from coming into contact with iOS update servers.

Update device with iTunes:

If you can not update wirelessly, or if you want to update with iTunes, follow these steps:
1.Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer.
2.Connect the device to your computer.
3.In iTunes, select your device.
4.In the Summary pane, click Check for updates.

5.Click Download and Update.

If you do not have enough space for the upgrade through iTunes, you must manually delete the content from the device.
Find out what to do if you receive an error message when updating your device.

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