The smart features in the upcoming lollipop iphones

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Apple and Google are locked in an endless game of catch up. Each time a new version of iOS or Android was announced, there are only so many features borrowed as new as each high school and steal the ideas of others to find ways to improve your own experience. Android L's Material design is very similar to the language of flattened design iOS 7 and opening new iOS 8 certainly has a debt with the predecessors of Lollipop.

But neither recalcitrant iOS or Android fans should complain. The fact is that there are more green grassy places on both sides of the fence. Now that we've had some time to play with Lollipop, I've found some features of Apple would be smart to incorporate into iOS in September.

smart notifications:

Lollipop took a series of signals from Apple for its renewed method of delivery notifications, but Google still added his own touch. My favorite feature is the new heads-up banners for the phone application, which allows you to ignore incoming calls without interrupting a game of Replay. I also like the way it handles the lock screen: incoming notifications are ordered by importance, so an email from someone in your contacts will naturally be higher since a life full alert Candy Crush.

Priority mode:
On the surface, the priority mode Lollipop looks an awful lot like iOS Do Not Disturb feature, but I really am a little envious of the implementation of Google. While iOS is kind of a case of all or nothing, Android gives you more control over what and when not to bother.

Instead of just calling, Google Allow events and reminders to happen, but what I really like is the timer setting: If you just take a nap or get some work, can quickly become priority mode for a short time without addressing mathematical programming.

Best battery:

While Apple keeps making their devices as thin as the laws of physics and engineering that allow, battery life will always be beautiful. Like iOS 8 Lollipop lets you see which applications are using the most juice, but Google also built in battery saving mode that kills unnecessary processes, throttles the CPU, and the limits of background tasks when the battery reaches the red. And when you finally connect the device, you can also say how long it will take to load, something I would love to see in my iPhone.

Guest mode:
Apple fans have practically abandoned the prospect of multiple user accounts iOS, but the fact of the matter is that there are times when we need to share our phones. And Google has developed an ingenious method to do: Change a guest on a smartphone or tablet with Lollipop, not just your own personal information stay private, but also everything that your guest will not be deleted once it leaves the session. It's like private browsing for all the phone, and we need to iOS in September.

iOS and Android both have a very similar method of multitasking with swipeable card system that allows you to quickly switch between applications. But Lollipop makes it a little better.
When you walk in general, you will get more of a menu of recently used applications. All Tasks tab is running are displayed, so if you are working on a draft email message, for example, may choose to jump back to the compositing window or your inbox . And on your phone, you will see all open tabs, too.

Print Preview:
iOS screen printing has never been much to write home about, offering only the most rudimentary of options. In comparison, Lollipop makes it look like you're sitting in front of a PC, with a preview screen desktop gauge lets you see exactly how an image or document to be printed.

And if there is a wireless printer is available, Lollipop users even get an option to save-as-PDF, something I've been pining for since the days of iOS 4.

Touch the screen to wake:
By clicking on the start button is not exactly a difficult way to arouse iPhones, but Lollipop brings a new way for Android phones with support for Awakening: Just tap the screen twice. That certainly would save me some hesitation when I check my email on the iPhone 6 Plus before my first cup of coffee.

Search settings:

With each revision iOS, we expect Apple to finally add a way to search within settings, but it has not happened. Now Google has beaten Apple to the punch, the addition of a magnifying glass enormously helpful to the upper right corner. IOS hope fans do not have to wait much longer, because I'm tired of remembering where to go when I want to change my keyboard.

Ambient screen:
I know what you're thinking: iOS has had a mode environment for years. It is true that the new Android ability to wake the screen each time a notification that is old hat for users of iPhone and iPad appears.
But Lollipop is an option, and frankly, I'd love to be able to temporarily disable all notifications Lock screen with a single lever.

smart Unlock:

Touch ID has made it easier than ever to unlock an iPhone or iPad, but there are still times I kind of wish we did not have to use it. Google has found a compromise between comfort and assurance that I would love to see Apple approves. When you get a new Bluetooth or NFC device, Lollipop paired phones and tablets will be unlocked automatically every time they come within the scope thereof. And I can think of something coming out early next year that would work well with such a feature .

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