Steps to sing up for latest public beta of ios 9

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Apple rarely allows "normal people" do their work unfinished. Leaving betas and alphas only available to registered developers. But with its latest mobile operating system, iOS 8.3, the company actually allowed the regular public download of the beta version before its official release.

IOS in September announced at WWDC 2015 Apple event, you can now register for the beta program Software Apple preview and review IOS 9 and OS X 10.11 before its final release in the fall of this year.
Steps to sign up:

Head over to the website Apple Software Program Beta and use your Apple ID and password to register. If you are already registered for this program in the past, all you need to do is register again.

Click OK when you receive the User Agreement to continue. That is all. You are now subscribed at 9 iOS and OS X El Capitan public statements.

Once you've registered and signed in you you will be able to learn more about iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 El Capitan. You will have to wait until sometime in July for the first public beta is available for download. Apple will send an email to all members of the Beta Software program when a download is ready.

What are some of the features you want to test when the beta is finally released.

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