Samsung vs Apple: Officials invalidate Apple's design patent

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

The current war in Apple-Samsung has seen many twists and turns, and here's a new one. News says that US officials They have ruled Apple design patent invalid, according to FOSS Patents.

Patent - D618677 - which brings together Apple millions of dollars of Samsung covers the design of the iPhone 3G and was presented in November 2008. However, Apple has relied on a couple of patents filed before and insufficiently described Patent design presented in 2008.

"The patent office of the United States decided that these two original patent did not describe the end of 2008 patented design enough, and perhaps that patent should never have been issued to begin with," says Macworld.

It is not a complete victory, but this should bring some relief to Samsung. It should be noted that Samsung continues to fight the damages owed $ 548 million Apple, largely for infringing the design patent. The court is yet to set the date for a new trial.

A report last month, said Samsung has a powerful group of supporters in its fight against Apple and Google, Facebook, eBay, Dell, HP and other companies have filed a "friend of the court" brief supporting Samsung.

According to the document found by sources inside, modern technology is made of multiple components and is very complex. If the use of components is based on judgments then every company is guilty of an offense. The brief states, "That feature-result of some lines out of millions of codes may appear only for a particular use of the product, in a display of hundreds. But the panel's decision could allow the patent holder to receive design all profits from the product or platform, even if the offender was largely insignificant element for the user side. "

Apple Samsung has been a part of one of the most watched patent trials. Both sides have engaged in accusations and counter-accusations in courts around the world.

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